Digestion for the Over 50 Crowd

Digestion is something we take for granted until something is not working smoothly. Digestive disorders need to be managed by your local board certified gastroenterologist. As we age we can still develop sensitivities to certain foods. Food hypersensitivity is linked to 75% of all cases of irritable bowel syndrome. Each time you eat one of these foods you can be ingesting a ticking time bomb. If you’re over 50 and you are having cramps, gas, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, or bloating...

Your Guide To A Healthy, Happy Tummy

Your digestive tract plays a role in mood, immunity, and intuition. Here’s how to harness its power to prevent stomach problems. Your Gut Is Your Shield Against Germs If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know your gut is an uncompromising vigilante. When a nasty microbe hitchhikes a ride into the body on the back of real food, the gut quickly recognizes the interloper and strong-arms it to the nearest exit. To make the ID in the first place, it calls upon a reliable army of sentries,...

Problem Solved: 11 Treatments For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel

How to Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome This gut-wrenching abdominal pain, accompanied by cramping, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation, doesn’t just make you feel miserable. It can create serious problems in your life, forcing you to stay home from work and say no to anything that means you’d be too far from a bathroom. An estimated one in six Americans—and twice as many women as men—has irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Why it happens “The muscles in your colon that squeeze...