Month: May 2016
San Antonio GI Doctor Recommends Caution When Altering Vitamin D Intake

In early July 2014, the Journal of Clinical Oncology published an article about colorectal cancer that our San Antonio GI doctor found interesting. It focused on a study that was completed in the United Kingdom earlier this year. Although more research is certainly needed, the study indicated that vitamin D consumption may improve some cancer patients’ outcomes. This begs the question, “Should people who have colorectal cancer, or are at risk for developing it, increase their vitamin D...
San Antonio GI Doctor May Help Peptic Ulcer Sufferers Find Relief

Have you been experiencing unexplained weight loss, episodes of chronic abdominal pain, dark stool, heartburn, bloating and unusual emesis? If so, you could have peptic ulcers. They’re gastrointestinal sores that may cause those problems to occur and more. Thankfully, relief may be found by making an appointment with San Antonio GI doctor, Seema A. Dar. The ulcers generally form in one of three areas as a result of excess acid. The three areas are the duodenum, stomach and esophagus. To...
Problems Swallowing
Do you encounter problems swallowing. Does it feel like it gets stuck? You may have esophageal one a many conditions related to this problem. The symptoms are sometimes painful or cause you to spit up to try to remedy the blockage. This could also lead to reflux or other more sever issues. The best course of action will be to visit with us to determine exactly what is going on and we’ll suggest a course of action to help you. Causes of Esophageal Blockage There are several causes of...
Balancing Calories to Manage Weight
Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Key Recommendations from USDA Prevent and/or reduce overweight and obesity through improved eating and physical activity behaviors. Control total calorie intake to manage body weight. For people who are overweight or obese, this will mean consuming fewer calories from foods and beverages. Increase physical activity and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviors. Maintain appropriate calorie balance during each stage of...
What if I Notice Blood in my Stool?
What if I notice blood in my stool? Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, commonly abbreviated LGIB, refers to any form of bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract. LGIB is a common ailment seen at emergency departments.[1] It presents less commonly than upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB). It is estimated that UGIB accounts for 100–200 per 100,000 cases versus 20–27 per 100,000 cases for LGIB.Approximately 85% of lower gastrointestinal bleeding involves the colon, 10% are from bleeds...
What are Esophagael Problem Signs?
What is esophagael problem sigsn? Esophageal cancer (or oesophageal cancer) is malignancy of the esophagus. There are various subtypes, primarily squamous cell cancer (approx 90–95% of all esophageal cancer worldwide) and adenocarcinoma (approx. 50–80% of all esophageal cancer in the United States). Squamous cell cancer arises from the cells that line the upper part of the esophagus. Adenocarcinoma arises from glandular cells that are present at the junction of the esophagus and...
Why is Abdominal Pain Cause for Concern?
Abdominal pain may be cause for concern. Most people, at some point in their life, will experience abdominal pain. Many causes may not be serious and can be readily diagnosed and treated. However, pain can also be a sign of a serious illness and disease. It’s important to be able to recognize symptoms that are severe and know when to call a doctor. What Are the Most Common Causes of Abdominal Pain? Whether it is a mild stomach ache, sharp pain, or stomach cramps, abdominal pain...
Your Guide To A Healthy, Happy Tummy
Your digestive tract plays a role in mood, immunity, and intuition. Here’s how to harness its power to prevent stomach problems. Your Gut Is Your Shield Against Germs If you’ve ever had food poisoning, you know your gut is an uncompromising vigilante. When a nasty microbe hitchhikes a ride into the body on the back of real food, the gut quickly recognizes the interloper and strong-arms it to the nearest exit. To make the ID in the first place, it calls upon a reliable army of sentries,...